Certified Pool & SPA Operator Course


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CMS Training Centre
St Andrew's House, 7 Argyris Eftaliotis Str., Limassol

Event Type


Three day course including exams on the last day, commencing at 8:30 am and finishing at 15.15 pm on the first 2 days and around 16.00 on the 3rd day.


This course teaches you the correct procedures to protect both the swimmers and the pool/water facility owners from recreational water illness and increase the health and safety in the facilities they maintain.  Due to the number of pools within Cyprus alone, sooner or later, things will change – not least due to European Law affecting all EU members and the implementation of the European standards document EU 15288-2 which Cyprus has signed is bound by European law to enforce.

Many of us hear throughout the summer about ear infections, known as, “ Otitus Externa” , which is transmitted by  pool water : many of us have  suffered from it at some stage  but this is not the biggest medical problem which comes from unclean swimming pools .  The main illness contracted from any form of aquatic facility comes from Giardia (protozoa), or Shigella, (bacteria) both of which can result in Gastroenteritis and in many cases can lead to dehydration causing hospitalization. Sadly, few people relate such illnesses back to poorly cleaned pool water and believe they’ve eg eaten something which didn’t agree with them or have had too much sun. So, for obvious reasons, it is vital for anyone who is going to clean a pool, to be trained FULLY and PROPERLY in how to clean water or pool operators /owners are risking the health and, worst case, the life, of anyone who uses that water. It’s not enough to have a test kit and simply keep adding chlorine: water may be clear but it may NOT be clean.

At the end of the course, you will know how to:

Calculate the pool and spa water volumes.
Evaluate, lower / raise pH, Alkalinity, Calcium and stabilizer levels.
Calculate levels of disinfectant in parts per million given a pool volume and required amount of disinfectant to be added.
Calculate flow rates, turnover rates and filter sizes for public , private or water park installations.
Determine total dynamic head of a pool recirculation system.
Determine the flow rate from total dynamic head and pump curve charts.
Calculate volume of water loss through leakage and evaporation.
Calculate saturation index.
Calculate horsepower given, watts, voltage and amperage.


There should be a trained and certified operator at any pool facility. If the routine maintenance is provided by a third party service company (the majority of Cyprus pool operators) then the pool operator should be qualified. The owner or manager of a facility or the person responsible for the pool should have a comprehensive knowledge of statutes, administrative codes, regulations and common practices. The CPO certified pool and spa operators training programme provides this education base.

The course is a 2 day intensive training seminar with an examination at the end lasting around 2 / 3 hours, as well as homework on the first day. The successful candidates must attain a minimum score of 75% to be accredited with the C.P.O operator’s licences.


The NSPF, (National swimming pool foundation) C.P.O training course is the most respected pool and spa maintenance course in the world with over 250,000 people trained to date.

Once you have successfully achieved the pass rate you will be an accredited C.P.O operator for a period of 5 years. You will also ( in that period ) have direct access to your instructors for added information , advice and guidance when required as well as information relayed to you on a regular basis from the NSPF.

Our aim is to help rather than tell you what to do , all pools react differently depending on various factors and nobody will know that individual pool or installation better than you the pool maintenance person , but there are times when you will need that little bit of help , advice ,guidance and we will always be on hand .