Mechanical & Pressure Systems Skilled Person


10 - 11 October 2024   
8:00 am - 4:00 pm


CMS Training Centre
St Andrew's House, 7 Argyris Eftaliotis Str., Limassol

Event Type


This is aimed at mechanical staff with responsibility for the operation or maintenance of installed mechanical plant and who may be nominated as a Competent or Skilled Person within their

A course designed to meet the essential requirements of ‘Prospective Persons in charge of Mechanical Systems’ and ‘Skilled Persons Mechanical’ who have a mandatory requirement to
comply with the rules and procedures imposed by various legislations and the MOD Health and Safety Handbook JSP 375 Part 2 and specifically the requirements of Chapters 2, 4 of JSP 375 Part 2 Volume 3. This course is for engineering staff required to operate under permit to work control for boiler or other stored pressure mechanical systems.

By the end of the course you will be able to:
• List statutory publications relevant to mechanical stored pressure systems
• Associate types of equipment and systems with use of a relevant fluid (Pressure Systems Safety Regulations 2000)
• Relate fundamental physical properties of relevant fluids to limits and ranges of measured parameters
• Identify key components and safety features found on stored pressure mechanical systems
• Record hazards/risks and their control measures using risk assessment documentation (JSP 375)
• Source information detailing operational arrangements, procedures and documentation for safe isolation and safe systems of work
• List the defined roles & key responsibilities of Authorised Person (Mech) & Person in Charge (Mech)
• Complete safe systems of work documentation (JSP 375)
• Interpret a safety programme and statement of isolation


Senior and Supervising Engineers, Engineers, Supervising Technician, Technicians, Operators, Skilled Persons, Health and Safety Managers and Officers who have a mandatory requirement to
comply with the Defense Estates Safety Rules and Procedures for Mechanical (and pressure) systems in use on the MOD Estate Systems.


Welcome, Introduction and outline of Course Aims and Objectives. The Amending Directives to the EC Work Equipment Directive and UK Pressure Systems Safety Regs.  An explanation of The EC UK and Pan Cypriot Legislation relating to Health and safety with specific reference to Legislation relating to Pressure Systems and Safe systems of Work. The Basic Laws of Physics (The relationship between pressure and Temperature). An Explanation of Boyle’s and Guy’s Laws of Physics as they relate to Pressure (Boyle’s Law of Partial Pressure and Guy’s Laws on Thermo-dynamic principles).
Pressure Plant & Components.
Catastrophic Failures of Pressure Systems (Implosions and Explosions). Introduction to JSP 375 Part 2 Vol 3 Chap 4.
Generic Risk Assessment & Safe Systems of Work Methods of Isolation.
Roles and Duties of the AP Mechanical & the person in charge.
Worked Example. Safe System of Work for replacing a defective in line valve using depressurization and single valve isolation).
Syndicate Exercises & Individual Consolidation Exercises.


All delegates after being assessed and successful completing the course will be awarded a CMS certificate with a note added to confirm that the course was approved by the Cyprus Human Resource Development Authority.

COURSE PRESENTER: Chris Christodoulou

Language: Greek or English