Operational Playground Inspection Course (ROSPA)


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All Day


CMS Training Centre
St Andrew's House, 7 Argyris Eftaliotis Str., Limassol

Event Type

This two – day course is aimed at those who are responsible for the operational inspections and those in a supervisory or maintenance role, for children’s playgrounds. Following the successful completion of the course candidates will be able to identify the importance of child play, the legal and appropriate legislation that need to be complied too regarding Playground equipment.
Implement a safe system of work and maintenance inspection routine for all children’s playgrounds. Be able to understand a logical and systematic approach to inspections and be able to identify a risks or hazards involved with the playgrounds and try and eliminate these by introducing adequate controlling measures.

The course is aimed for Operators, Managers and personnel who have a responsibility to provide safe play areas for children within their facilities.

• Improve the play value of playgrounds and reduce accidents.
• They reduce accidents by the knowledge gained from children’s play and development
• Carrying out Risk Assessments
• Carrying out Analysis of available accident Data
• Using and implementing the relevant standards such as EN 1176
• Playground managers have a legal and moral responsibility of care to children using the site and at the same time they need to meet the expectations of parents.
• When carrying out inspections this should cover the whole of the site – not just the equipment, pathways, fences, seats etc. all need to be checked.
• A defined system of inspections is recommended to be put into place for playgrounds. E.g Routine, Operational, Annual, General Maintenance, Manufacturer’s recommendations, and surfacing.

Each delegate will receive a certificate of training upon successful completion of the course from ROSPA Play Safety Ltd.

NOTE:  This training will be run in English.